
Android Tv Box Raspberry Pi 3

We recently showed yous how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a 24/seven low-power downloading car. At present we're back to bear witness yous how to brand the system nearly completely hands off with awesome automation tools.

Why Do I Want to Do This?

If yous've been following along with our Raspberry Pi download project, at this indicate in the process you accept a full fledged BitTorrent/Usenet machine. That's awesome, but information technology's not fully automated. Y'all notwithstanding have to collaborate with the box fairly regularly to proceed pointing information technology at new files, picking out episodes of your favorite TV shows, and so on.

Afterward you're done with the final segment of our Raspberry Pi download box tutorial, today's guide on automation, y'all'll accept a fully automated device on your hands where all you lot demand to do is tell it what you desire and it will lookout the internet for those files on your behalf.

If you haven't been working along with us, definitely take a moment to check out How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Always-On BitTorrent Box and How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Ever-On Usenet Machine.

What Practise I Demand?

Like the previous tutorials, for this tutorial nosotros assume that y'all take a Raspberry Pi unit of measurement with Raspbian installed,  are able to access the device either straight via an attached monitor and keyboard or remotely via SSH and VNC, and that yous have a USB bulldoze (or drives) fastened to it. In add-on, nosotros also assume that you've completed at least one (or both) of our tutorials on turning the Raspberry Pi into a BitTorrent and/or Usenet download machine. If you need to get up to speed in these areas, we strongly suggest reading the following guides in the gild we have them listed here:

  1. The HTG Guide to Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
  2. How to Configure Your Raspberry Pi for Remote Beat, Desktop, and File Transfer
  3. How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Depression-Power Network Storage Device
  4. How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Always-On BitTorrent Box
  5. How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Always-On Usenet Machine

The following sections of the tutorial and the tools independent therein will be of little use to you if you haven't already set up your Raspberry Pi and have reached the tin can-admission-BitTorrent/Usenet phase.

One time you are at that stage, however, it's time to get down to the business of automating your entire build for hands-off downloading goodness.

Each section of the tutorial is independent of the others. If y'all want to automate television show snatching but not movie snatching, for example, you're complimentary to skip to the relevant portion of the tutorial and ignore the rest.

Finally, a small note most installing all the automation tools in this guide. We institute that you can install them all on a Raspberry Pi without bogging the system down besides severely. However, as each automation system tends to be a little heavy on the front (when you first install it there is often a lot of heavy lifting to do like finding and downloading past episodes of television shows you want to watch), we'd advise giving each installation a little breathing room in order to allow it to monopolize system resources, SABnzbd, and the USB HDD. Once you're by the grab-upwardly flurry everything should be fine, but unleashing all three automation apps side-by-side full bore in the beginning is really rough with the limited resources available to the Pi.

Installing the Dependencies

In guild to use the tools outlined in this guide–SickBeard, CouchPotato, and Headphones–you'll need to install a few dependencies before you get started. (We volition not exist addressing dependencies that are already installed with the default Rasbian distribution.)

Earlier anything else, we're going to update and upgrade our apt-become installer. If you *just* followed along with our previous Raspberry Pi tutorials you can safely skip this as yous've only recently upgraded.

At the final, enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

After y'all've updated/upgraded, it'south time to start installing the specific dependencies nosotros need. Offset, all of the tools utilise the Git software source code management tool. Since Rasbian doesn't transport with Git, we'll need to install information technology. At the terminal, enter the post-obit commands:

sudo apt-get install git-core

When prompted, press Y to continue the installation and the wait for a minute or two every bit the processes finishes. Afterwards, double check the installation by typing "git –version" at the prompt to bank check that git is installed. If information technology doesn't return a version number, run the installer once again.

In add-on to Git, SickBeard (simply not CouchPotato or Headphones) is dependent on Cheetah, a Python template tool. If you installed SABnzbd in the How to Turn a Raspberry Pi into an Always-On Usenet Machine guide, y'all already have Cheetah installed. If y'all merely followed along with the BitTorrent guide, you lot'll demand to install information technology. At the terminal, enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install python-cheetah

After installing Git and Python-Chetah (if you're planning on using SickBeard for TV shows), we're ready to get started.

Installing and Configuring SickBeard on Raspbian

SickBeard is a television management tool for Usenet and BitTorrent downloads–the Usenet support is significantly more than mature than the BitTorrent support, but they're both functional. In a nut beat out, yous tell SickBeard what TV shows you lot want to spotter and it acts like an Internet-powered TiVo, downloading those shows for you (either from a backlog if you're catching up or as they are released if your show collection is up to date). It's a fantastic way to stay on top of your favorite programs.

Installing SickBeard: To install SickBeard, open up up the terminal and enter the post-obit command:

git clone git://

In one case the installation is complete, switch to the SickBeard directory and run SickBeard for the offset time:

cd Ill-Beard

It volition appear to hang for a moment, and then y'all'll see a verbose SickBeard script whiz by, and then idle. At this point, you lot tin hop into a spider web browser and point information technology at the post-obit address to check SickBeard out:

http://[Your PI's IP Address]:8081/home/

Configuring SickBeard: Dissimilar some of the tools we've used in the previous tutorials, SickBeard doesn't accept a configuration wizard to walk the states through the setup. We'll walk you through the important steps now.  We'll list the relevant items you'll want to change by their section within the Configuration portion of SickBeard's interface.

In the Config -> General section:

Uncheck Launch Browser: Nosotros're going to exist accessing the box remotely, there's no need for this resource-wasting option.

Under Web Interface: You lot can, if you wish, add a username and countersign to SickBeard and/or alter the port number.

In the Config -> Search Settings section:

Hither, we configure SickBeard to work with our Usenet and/or BitTorrent client. SickBeard really shines with Usenet and we encourage you to go that road.

Conform Usenet Retentiveness: The default is 500 days. If you lot take a premium Usenet provider, your retentiveness should be much higher, usually 1100+ days. Check with your provider and fill in the appropriate number hither.

Under NZB Search, make certain "Search NZBs" is checked, and that you lot've selected SABnzbd. Plug in the URL, username and password (if y'all set one), and the API key from your SABnzbd installation. Click "Test SABnzbd" when you're done to make sure SickBeard can successfully communicate with it.

Note: If you're assault using BitTorrent, y'all'll need to check "Search Torrents" and set the watch folder for your Torrent client.

In the Config -> Search Providers department:

Hither, you tin can select which indexes to search and input your API keys for private/pay search indexes.

Under Provider Priorities, you lot can check to enable providers and then drag and drop them in the listing to prioritize them. By default, Womble's Index is checked. You can check Sick Beard Index and nzbX, merely the balance of them require accounts with API keys–you lot'll need to visit the respective websites and become through the signup procedure to use them.

Note: If you turned on torrent searching in the previous step, you lot'll also see Television receiver torrent trackers listed here.

In the Config -> Postal service Processing section:

In the initial "Postal service-Processing" section, leave the "Boob tube Download Dir" blank. We're going to prepare upwards a helper script for SABnzbd that volition take intendance of this role. Uncheck "Keep Original Files"; we don't have the space on our mini Pi server to shop duplicates of everything we download. Check "Move Associated Files" and "Rename Episodes" so that SickBeard will move any additional files downloaded with your TV content and rename the shows with the convention you select in the "Naming" section.

Finally, you tin can accept SickBeard download metadata in the format that suits your media eye setup. Since we utilize all XBMC installations, we selected XBMC for our "Metadata Type" and checked all the metadata file types we wanted SickBeard to create (like binder images and fanart).

In the Config -> Notifications section:

This section is entirely optional. You can setup notifications on your media clients (such equally XBMC) and notification services such as Growl. The XBMC notifications can be extremely handy if you want a fully automatic organisation as you tin set SickBeard to force XBMC to perform library updates after new shows are downloaded.

Linking SABnzbd and SickBeard: Properly configured SickBeard and SABnzbd have a dainty symbiotic human relationship. You tin can ready it up so SickBeard finds the shows, kicks the NZB files over to SABnzbd, and then SABnzbd in turn calls on a SickBeard helper script to mail-process all the shows and transfer them to their appropriate folders. Once configured, the process is completely seamless.

In society to link the two together, nosotros need to copy the helper script and edit the very tiny configuration file that accompanies it. Starting time, enter the following command at the terminal to accept you to the binder where the two files are located:

cd /home/pi/Sick-Beard/autoProcessTV

Within that directory are the two files we intendance nearly: (the helper script) and autoProcessTV.cfg.sample (the sample configuration file). Let'south open the configuration file and brand changes. Enter the following command:

nano autoProcessTV.cfg.sample

In the nano editor, double check that everything in the simple configuration file matches your installation. By default, the config file points at the local host, on port 8081, with no username or password. If you have changed any of the settings (such equally the port number or past adding in a username/countersign), edit the file to reflect that. When you lot are washed, press CTRL+X to exit. Change the filename to autoProcessTV.cfg (dropping the .sample from the terminate).

There are two ways to give SABnzbd access to the scripts. The lazy way is to only change the mail-processing script directory in SABnzbd'southward Config -> Folder section to /domicile/pi/Sick-Bristles/autoProcessTV. If the SickBeard scripts are the merely mail service processing tools yous use, this will work fine.

Alternatively, if you want to go on all your SABnzbd scripts in one location, you can use the post-obit command to re-create them to your SABnzbd scripts folder (the folder we setup in the Usenet guide):

cp autoProcessTV.cfg /media/USBHDD1/shares/SABnzbd/scripts

Either way, once you accept the scripts configured and copied, you need to tell SABnzbd to use them. In SABnzbd, navigate to Config -> Categories and create a new category "tv". In the script section select as your postal service-processing script. If you wish to create a binder where your Goggle box downloads will be temporarily sequestered from your other downloads before being shuffled off to the permanent Tv set binder, you tin can set a Folder/Path ( thousand. SickBeardTV). Brand sure to hit the Add button to save your changes.

Adding Shows to SickBeard: Now that you've configured SickBeard, it's time for the most important part: adding television receiver shows to your new automatic system.

Beginning, we need to make a directory for SickBeard to shop the shows. (If you lot already accept a Tv show directory gear up on the external difficult drive you're using with your Pi, skip this pace). At the concluding, enter the following command (altering the pathname if you lot're non using the same setup we established previous tutorials):

mkdir /media/USBHDD1/shares/TV/

Now, from the master SickBeard interface, click on Add Shows (located on the secondary navigation bar in the upper left hand corner). You have 2 options for adding shows into the system: you tin can create a new entry for a new evidence or you can import Tv shows you have already downloaded into system. Even if yous don't take an existing Telly show collection to add to SickBeard, we still need to offset with the "Add Existing Shows" button in society to signal SickBeard at our TV show directory (regardless of whether information technology is empty or total).

Click on Add Existing Shows, and then nether the Manage Directories tab, click New. Select your TV folder in the file explorer. After you click OK, click Gear up equally Default and then Submit at the bottom of the page.

Once you take the default Boob tube directory set, yous can navigate to Add Shows -> Add New Prove to add a Television set evidence to your drove. Enter a full or partial show title in the search box, search for it, and then select the show you wish to monitor and download. Click side by side to double cheque the folder it will be deposited in and adjacent again to tell SickBeard whether you want the missing episodes to be flagged equally Wanted or Skipped, also as the video quality of the download. If everything looks good, click Add together. You'll exist returned to your testify list and SickBeard volition create the folder for the show, download the meta data, and begin looking for episodes. (If you lot don't desire to look for the timer to count downwards to the next episode search, yous can click on Manage -> Backlog Overview to force a search immediately.)

Running SickBeard on Startup: There is ane last pace for the SickBeard configuration process; we're going to add a small startup script to launch SickBeard on kicking. In that location'southward no signal in having an automatic TV show downloader, later all, if yous take to manually start information technology up. We've created enough of these startup scripts in the previous Raspberry Pi as Download Box tutorials that nosotros're just going to list off the commands you need to enter without a detailed step-by-step pause down.

Enter the following commands at the concluding to re-create the startup script, change the permissions, and update the startup files:

sudo wget -O /etc/init.d/sickbeard/

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sickbeard

sudo update-rc.d sickbeard defaults

That's all there is to it, now you lot're ready to go! Add together quondam shows yous wish y'all would take watched, add shows you're currently watching, add shows that haven't even aired nevertheless but you lot'd similar to watch. SickBeard volition seamlessly and automatically download them all for you lot.

Installing and Configuring CouchPotato on Raspbian

If you're exhausted from all that configuring in the previous section, take heart. SickBeard is by far the most complicated tool to configure in our roundup today. Let'south get started with CouchPotato–the moving-picture show equivalent to SickBeard's automated TV downloading.

Installing CouchPotato: We've already installed all the dependencies, and then let's go right downwards to grabbing the source code from Git. At the terminal, enter the following command:

cd /home/pi
git clone
python CouchPotatoServer/

After you run the Python script, the cursor will just idle. If instead you lot get a crash dump, you'll demand to make a quick edit to permit you to plough on the spider web daemon and startup wizard. Only make this edit if the script crashes. At the concluding, enter the following control:

nano /home/pi/CouchPotatoServer/couchpotato/

In the script, page down until you see this section and add the line we've bolded:

config = {
'use_reloader': reloader,
'port': tryInt(Env.setting('port', default = 5000)),
'host': Env.setting('host', default = ''),
'ssl_cert': Env.setting('ssl_cert', default = None),
'ssl_key': Env.setting('ssl_key', default = None),
'host': Env.setting('host', default = ""),

Save your changes and rerun the script. In one case the script has run successfully, you can point your browser at the following accost to get started:

http://[Your PI's IP Address]:5050/wizard/

Only like with SickBeard, nosotros're going to walk you lot through the bones setup. The relevant commands are listed past section.

Configuring CouchPotato: You can skip the Welcome section. We accept no existing CouchPotato database to import (if yous're moving and onetime CouchPotato install to your new Raspberry Pi download box, follow the instructions and point the wizard at your old information.db)

In the General section, yous tin set a username and password, as well as change the port number if you wish. Uncheck "Launch Browser".

In the Downloaders section, you need to either 1) set CouchPotato up to communicate with SABnzbd or 2) specify a watched folder for your torrent files to brand it work with Deluge. We're setting it upwards to piece of work with SABnzbd: go ahead and exit the host alone and insert your SABnzbd API key (the same i you used for SickBeard).

You can likewise specify a SABnzbd category. In order to really automate the whole process, nosotros highly recommend this step–past enabling a specific CouchPotato category, it helps the automatic renamer/file mover to work smoother.

In the Providers department, select the providers you wish CouchPotato to utilise. Just like with SickBeard, you'll need to put in the login details/API keys for premium providers.

In the Renamers section, you tin set upwards automatic file renaming/moving. This is a fantastic feature. Set the To folder to specify where you lot want the movies to go, cheque cleanup, and specify a From folder (this should be the same folder yous assigned to the Movies tag in SABnzbd).

In the Automation department, you can install a GreaseMonkey script or bookmarklet that makes adding wanted movies to your CouchPotato installation from your browser like shooting fish in a barrel peasy.

When you're all washed, review your settings and click the giant light-green push at the bottom. Although the startup sorcerer covers just well-nigh every relevant setting, in that location is one area you may want to take a peek at. The startup magician doesn't prompt you to set up notifications. To exercise so, click on the gear in the upper right hand corner and then click on Notifications in the navigation sidebar. At that place, only like in SickBeard, you'll be able to plough on button notifications to a multifariousness of systems including XBMC units, desktops with Growl notifications enabled, and fifty-fifty set up upwards email notices.

Configuring CouchPotato to Offset at Kicking: At this bespeak, nosotros know you're excited to get started plugging in your must-encounter movies to CouchPotato, but we have 1 lilliputian pace left to complete before nosotros move on. We need to gear up upward the startup files to ensure CouchPotato launches at boot.

Open up upward the final and enter the post-obit commands:

cd ~/
sudo cp CouchPotatoServer/init/ubuntu /etc/init.d/couchpotato
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/couchpotato
sudo update-rc.d couchpotato defaults

At this point you lot're all done with the configuration, and you tin can get down to business concern with your new CouchPotato installation.

Installing and Configuring Headphones on Raspbian

The final automation tool in our trifecta of automation goodness today is Headphones: equally SickBeard is to TV and CouchPotato is to Movies, Headphones is to–you lot guessed it–music.

Installing Headphones: To get started, open up the terminal and enter the following command:

git clone

python headphones/

Configuring Headphones: Like SickBeard, there's no installation wizard, but the settings carte is straight forward enough.  Click on the gear in the upper right hand corner of the Headphones interface to access the settings carte du jour. We'll go through each relevant sections one past ane.

In the Web Interface section, you tin can add a login/password, alter the port number, and turn on the Headphones API (necessary for some third party helper apps).

In the Download settings section, you demand to signal Headphones at your SABnzbd installation using the aforementioned data yous used for SickBeard and CouchPotato (the host with port number, username and password if enabled, also as the API key). Don't forget to take advantage of the category office and then specify a sub-binder in your SABnzbd download binder for music. Yous can also, similar the other automation apps, configure Headphones to use torrents if you wish.

In the Quality and Post Processing section, you lot can ready the quality based on your preferred bit charge per unit (or prepare it for lossless quality). Yous can besides set the mail service processing features like automatic embedding of album art, sorting to folders, and automatic file renaming.

Finally, under Advanced Settings, there are a plethora of settings you can tinker with (although we would advise y'all to read advisedly before wantonly toggling things on and off). You can modify the renaming format, enable automatic re-encoding of audio formats, and enable notifications.

The near important setting nether the Advanced Settings menu for a new Headphones user is the "Musicbrainz Mirror" option way down in the lower right corner. Leave it as information technology is,but if yous find you're consistently getting "fetch failed" errors when searching for artists and albums, you'll need to come up back to this section and select an alternate mirror.

When yous're all done tinkering, make sure to press Salvage Changes at the bottom so Restart in the upper correct hand corner for the changes to take consequence.

The only other major configuration step y'all might consider is, if you already take a lot of music on the external drive you're using with your Pi, setting Headphones to manage your collection. Yous tin practise so by clicking on Manage in the main navigation bar and pointing Headphones at the appropriate directory.

Configuring Headphones to Start at Kick: At this point, you're ready to starting time searching and using Headphones, merely like with our previous automation tools, we're going to enable automatic startup on boot. To do so, enter the following commands at the terminal:

cd ~/headphones
sudo nano init.ubuntu

Inside the init.ubuntu files, we're going to brand two quick changes. Yes, at the elevation of the file it warns sternly confronting editing the file (but we live on the border, and more importantly, we're not using a defended user business relationship but for headphones, so we take to make this alter).

Scroll down line 29 and 30:

## HP_USER=         #$RUN_AS, [...]
## HP_HOME=         #$APP_PATH, [...]

Edit out the comment ## marks on those two lines and insert the following user name and home directory:

HP_USER=pi         #$RUN_AS, [...]
HP_HOME=/dwelling/pi/headphones       #$APP_PATH, [...]

Press CTRL+Ten to get out, save your piece of work, and then enter the following commands at the prompt:

sudo cp init.ubuntu /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/headphones
sudo update-rc.d headphones defaults

Headphones is now set to run on boot and the final piece of your download automation triple-attack has been put into play.

At this betoken, your Raspberry Pi box is a start-to-finish downloading fauna that barely needs whatever care or feeding. We've walked you lot through installing a Usenet and BitTorrent client and with this final installment you at present have three handy automation tools to make your Raspberry Pi download box has hands off as a tiny, low-power, headless micro server can be.

That said, there's always more fun to be had with the tiny put powerful Pi–sound off with your Raspberry Pi build ideas and we'll exercise what nosotros can to bring them to life.

Android Tv Box Raspberry Pi 3,


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